Results of Your Work

Image result for president duterte

Our dear leader,
It is of great pleasure to be writing this letter that is intended for you. First of all, I would like to greet you a wonderful day. Ever since you were seated as the newly elected president of our beloved land, many things have happened for the past few years. Some of which contributed to the development of the country while others, I’m just not sure about them.
In this letter I am expressing all of my concerns, admiration, dismay, support, and anything else in between towards your reign of presidency. I admire you for settling your priorities for creating a better country just like lowering the criminality rate and the like. I’m just disappointed in you for using such methods that led to the extent of having high fatality rates. I also think that some programs or laws were not carefully studied and thought about resulting in a bit of chaos.  But despite those, I’m grateful that you became our president for you have contributed a lot for the betterment of our home. Slowly but surely, our nation will rise up and lots of hurdles will be surpassed. I hope you will make great decisions for the present and future and that God will always guide you in everything you do.
Yours truly,


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