Preparedness Equates to Change

It runs in the blood.

We Filipinos are known for our resiliency when facing different challenges that come our way. We may fall hard and get hurt but we will bounce back. In conjunction, those scars and wounds will heal as time goes by. Thus, we yearly have the National Disaster Resiliency Month that’s being held every month of July.

“Kahandaan sa Sakuna’t Peligro para sa Tunay na Pagbabago.” This is the theme for this year. If we try to put it in pieces, the completed puzzle would picture a more developed or changed country that is always prepared for any risk or disasters that come what may.
Image result for preparedness to disasters
Everyone knows that our country, the Philippines, is a disaster prone country due to its geographic location. The whole nation is being told to always be prepared and evacuate though some are still hard-headed.   Disasters are inevitable yet preparedness comes in handy when facing these catastrophic events.

Image result for developmentFilipinos should learn by now that in every situation, they should not just wait for the government’s aid. It should start from themselves.  Being prepared means that you are ready for any wave that comes crashing towards the shore you’re on. Not just physically but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually equipped. Once we’re prepared, a drastic change would happen. Not just in the country but also to everyone.

Fellow Filipinos are optimistic thinkers. This results in them being able to jump over the hurdles blocking their paths. Everyone should also be thinking positive about their situations in order for them to still have hope to survive every single day.



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