
Hero without a cape.
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Sans speed, sans flight, sans teleportation. Hero in their own ways. They may not have supernatural powers, they still have ability to help others in their daily lives.

Never ending lessons to be taught. May it be about the course or about one's experience that others can have insights about. Laptop, chalk and eraser, lesson plans. A teacher's best friend. Students go to schools to learn things. Teachers prepare and review their topics to be discussed. They talk all throughout the day, walk to each classroom, check papers, and discipline students. Considered as daily routine. They may look easy going and carefree sometime but the truth is they have a lot of work to be done. They also have their own families to attend to. 

“Gurong Pilipino: Handa sa Makabagong Pagbabago,” is the theme for the year. There's nothing much to talk about the theme for it only says that teachers are prepared for change. The highlight of this month long celebration for teachers is the chance for students to express their gratitude. Gratitude for being part of the list of people who helped in molding their minds and personalities for their future. Love is also expressed through this for they have become second parents for the students as the school is their second home. Flowers, chocolates, and the like are good presents. The greatest gift to be given as a student is the appreciation for them and remembering them even if it's only in a single chapter or two did they appear in one's life. In the future, when you've become someone successful, remember to look back where you came from and the people who helped you reach that stage of life.

Their love and care for students is far greater than those superpowers seen in TVs. They mold minds and create a better person out of you. Not all heroes wear capes anyways. 



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