
History. Culture. Celebration. Diversity. Union.

World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day.  A yearly celebration of the City of Vigan every month of September. 

A never missed occasion of every Bigueño. Different contests held for different ages. A celebration wherein we show our pride through showcasing our diverse culture as well as our history. It seeks not only to focus on our own but also to develop unity with neighboring towns and provinces that come and visit our beloved city. A quite good example is the food and trade fair. This trade fair, from the name itself, is trading of products such as wood crafts and native delicacies from other localities . Meaning, they get to show their own culture while we show them ours which is like the symbiotic relationship called mutualism. Not only does this help in the growth of knowledge about one's culture, it also helps in the economic growth of towns.

Aside from products, skills of Bigueños are often tested in different areas through contests. It maybe in the field of arts, dancing, and/or intellectually via quiz bees. These skills are witnessed by fellow people from the locality, neighboring towns, and foreigners that come and visit the place. Skills that are shown also present how diverse our culture really is for they incorporate parts of it into their work especially in art contests like Letras y Figueras.

Even though we live in a diverse world, there is always a room for oneness through it. And that is  exactly what the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Celebration is all about. Amidst the differences in culture and history, there will come a time that these certain things will be the key to being untid with each other.



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