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Academics.  Homework.  Activities.
Intramural Sports Calendar
First thing that comes to mind when thinking about school is about the work students do in their academics. Having high scores in activities and tests make them happy. But is that the only way they can be happy?

A school year is not complete without the yearly held Intramurals. Wherein students join and compete in different fields of sports according to their expertise. Sports and dancing can also make one happy. Relieving themselves from their problems for a period of time just to enjoy doing what they love to do especially if you’re a sporty type of person.

“Enhancing Happy School Movement through Sports and Dances.”

That is the said theme for the ISNHS Intramurals 2019. As tradition, different sports will be played. Some will be recognized as winners whilst others will still be winners in their own ways. Activities such as these promote the true spirit of sportsmanship as well as camaraderie. The only difference for this year is that the newly launched program of DepEd, Happy School’s Movement, is infused. Meaning, not only by means of staying in the four corners of a classroom can one have joy. Yes, the movement aims to have a happier environment/school for the students to stay in but not just through discussions but the school as a whole. Sometimes we still need to get moving or else life will be a dull monotonous color.

School is not just about grades, academics, and the like. It is also a place where you can grow as an individual not just in one aspect, but every other aspects of a human being. When you’re already happy about acads, sports and other co-curricular will make you happier.


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