
All of us are aware that violence against women and their children is one of the most pressing issues around the world. It is not new to the public to frequently hear news about women and children getting physically, mentally, emotionally, and even sexually abused. But what are the roots that cause these kinds of happenings that have such huge impact on the society?
                Since it is a global problem, it’s just right for everyone to know the roots of this kind of situation in order to prevent it from happening. According to Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) Organization, violence against women is rooted in unequal power relationships between men and women. In a much broader context, structural relationships of inequalities in politics, religion, media and discriminatory cultural norms perpetuate to this problem. Other roots are dependent factors such as sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, class, and the alike.     
Starting with the unequal power between men and women, this has started long ago with our ancestors wherein only men had the rights to be rulers and stuff like that, the right to vote, work, etc. In other words, men were ones who were always at the top of the hierarchy. Fortunately, things have changed and women aren’t treated so lowly or poorly anymore. Even though the society changed, some things remained unchanged for others still aren’t treated equally and fairly. Mostly, this root of the violence occurs between married couple, intimate partners, or even with relatives and can happen at any time.
                The other factors like religion, ethnicity, class, and nationality are seen differently than that of the first one. These factors depend on the people around you whom can treat you unfairly or fairly depending on how they see others. Take for example a city woman and a woman from an ethnic group. People will likely treat the city woman and tribal woman differently based on who they are, what they are, and where they come from.
                In a male-dominant society, male privilege becomes the norm of belief and behaviour of men that they have the right to control women. In addition, poverty, isolation from friends and family, language difficulties, and homelessness also contribute to victimization of the most vulnerable women in the society which is still according to BWSS Org. For instance, in a family wherein the mother is a housewife, the father has a job, and they have kids. Due to bankruptcy of the business where the dad works, he won’t have any more salary to support his family and that he will get so frustrated that he might hurt his wife or children.
                Prevention is better than cure, they say. Preventing is a much easier way to solve problems so that fewer cases will happen in the near future. Even though it should be quite effortless, it’s much harder than we think because people just can’t avoid things like this or that seeing that these days people don’t know how to have self-discipline. So to sum it all up, all of us should have self-discipline and cooperate well with each other in order for us to handle such issue for the sake of humanity. It’s because we were all made to have equal rights and powers and not to abuse this power that He has given us.



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