
Showing posts from September, 2019

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Academics.   Homework.   Activities. First thing that comes to mind when thinking about school is about the work students do in their academics. Having high scores in activities and tests make them happy. But is that the only way they can be happy? A school year is not complete without the yearly held Intramurals. Wherein students join and compete in different fields of sports according to their expertise. Sports and dancing can also make one happy. Relieving themselves from their problems for a period of time just to enjoy doing what they love to do especially if you’re a sporty type of person. “Enhancing Happy School Movement through Sports and Dances.” That is the said theme for the ISNHS Intramurals 2019. As tradition, different sports will be played. Some will be recognized as winners whilst others will still be winners in their own ways. Activities such as these promote the true spirit of sportsmanship as well as camaraderie. The only difference for this year i


Science and technology. Discoveries, findings, and explorations. There's never a dull moment in each and every year. Different activities and celebrations happen here and there. For the whole month of September, it is all about Science. Yes, science.  "Metabolize: Nourishing the Youth Toward National Well-Being" the theme for the year. Like the previous years, the Science and YES-O Club Officers did quite well for the whole month duration of activities. The never missed Sci-Trix, Sci Quiz, Sci Fight, and many more. We also won't miss out on the highly anticipated G. at Bb. Kalisakasan wherein candidates from different grade levels compete for the title. Same activities, though different theme being promoted to the student body. It is telling everyone that knowledge is the food that is given to the youth. Once metabolised, the youth will be nourished and the knowledge is going to be used to create a national well-being. Answers to questions are n


History. Culture. Celebration. Diversity. Union. World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day.  A yearly celebration of the City of Vigan every month of September.  A never missed occasion of every Bigueño. Different contests held for different ages. A celebration wherein we show our pride through showcasing our diverse culture as well as our history. It seeks not only to focus on our own but also to develop unity with neighboring towns and provinces that come and visit our beloved city. A quite good example is the food and trade fair. This trade fair, from the name itself, is trading of products such as wood crafts and native delicacies from other localities . Meaning, they get to show their own culture while we show them ours which is like the symbiotic relationship called mutualism. Not only does this help in the growth of knowledge about one's culture, it also helps in the economic growth of towns. Aside from products, skills of Bigueños are often tested in differe


School is to Happiness. The logo of the Happy Schools Movement Just like an easily spreading virus, happiness also spreads quickly. In this world we are living in, it's getting hard to pull off a genuine smile because of problems that one goes through. Not only adults but also teenagers and children who are studying worry about lot of school requirements needed to be passed.  Nowadays, school is a prison. Students are chained and cannot break free from it. They tend to focus on their grades and academics that it compromises their health like wise, their well-being. When you see their faces you will see that it's void of any emotion. Because of school works and the like, they even forget to smile and laugh to wash away problems temporarily. Because of this, the  DepEd-Region 1 thought of a way to relieve students from their stress, problems, and worries which is the launching of the "Happy Schools Movement."  This movement seeks to promote