
Showing posts from December, 2019

Nearly There

Nearing the end of my last year in junior high school. Only half of the second semester left. But even so, new things are being taught to us. There were a few difficulties that I have faced especially about making the web design. I was pressured on finishing it but I overcame it. I just needed to believe in myself and with a few help from my classmates, I finished it. Hopefully for the last part of the year, it will end great. Reference:


Gift giving. Caroling. Ornaments. An occasion celebrated annually. Christmas it's called but what is its essence? Every year, we celebrate Christmas with our loved ones. During this time of the year, we get to hear people caroling outside our houses, listen to different Christmas songs where ever we may go, see decorations of all sorts, smell the dishes that are being cooked, and many more that we typically. All those gifts, whether monetary or not, those dishes, decorations, are they all important? Does Christmas only revolve around those things?  Christmas does not only mean receiving presents or eating ham, it is the season of giving. Not giving material gifts but spreading love to everyone. Just like how Jesus loves each and every one  of us. Speaking of Jesus, it is also about celebrating the day He was born. You see, the main reason why we commemorate this event is that we celebrate the day our Savior was born but not by ourselves, we celebrate it with our family


All of us are aware that violence against women and their children is one of the most pressing issues around the world. It is not new to the public to frequently hear news about women and children getting physically, mentally, emotionally, and even sexually abused. But what are the roots that cause these kinds of happenings that have such huge impact on the society?                 Since it is a global problem, it’s just right for everyone to know the roots of this kind of situation in order to prevent it from happening. According to Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) Organization, violence against women is rooted in unequal power relationships between men and women. In a much broader context, structural relationships of inequalities in politics, religion, media and discriminatory cultural norms perpetuate to this problem. Other roots are dependent factors such as sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, class, and the alike.       Starting with the unequal power between m