
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Internet

  We are already in the stage where almost everything revolves around the internet. It is quite alarming that varying information and photos can be used or given out like a piece of candy. Before posting anything, one must think of the various outcomes that may or may not happen should he post it. In addition, social media is widely being used as a method to express/rant about problems. One might just post what he is feeling without thinking of the consequences because his emotions were at its peak and will just lead to a bigger problem. Plus, not everything will be solved via internet. Your single click will affect everything but mostly you, yourself if not handed well. Be wise in making certain decisions and actions not only in the web, but also in life. Before you click, you must think. A reminder to all of us navigating the web.

Pandemic Ka Lang, I am a Filipino

It brought fear. It brought a lot of negativity. Despite the gloomy mood it brings, there arose a light in the darkness opening windows of opportunities.  This pandemic lingering around us truly brings fear as it puts people's lives at risk. Due to it numbers of establishments had to close down and cut down the number of employees as the economy declined. It started off to a gloomy start but it helped each and every one realize things during the quarantine.  The sudden end of the previous school year last March was a shocking news. I felt quite saddened after hearing it. As time flew by though, I realized that now that I have a lot of time to kill, why not start practicing skills that I have never done before. Do things that wanted to do long ago but lacked time.  During the quarantine period, I learned about myself more. I discovered about the things that I am passionate about and my weaknesses that I would want to improve. It was really about self-discovery during those times. Th